Yawning is good..

Monday, February 1, 2010 ·

For you - but not to the person in front of you, well at least. Its already a common view that yawning is not a pleasant manner, especially for teachers, lecturers or presenters who will see their audience opening their mouths so wide like a fish anticipating a bait in a hook. But what good does yawning bring?

Well for one, it makes our brain tick. We yawn because we are sleepy, and we don't want to sleep - yet. Researchers from University of Albany found out that yawning cools the brain cells - that's after using 33% of our calories thus generating amount of heat. It makes the brain tick and become more efficient by increasing cerebral blood flow. And they suggest we’re biologically hard-wired to yawn to stay alert and protect ourselves from danger(1).

So when you feel sleepy, yawn. It keeps us awake. But make it a private matter. Let's cover our mouth or turn sideways. Only few people, if any, will be happy to know that you are sleep, or feel like being engulf by you when you start to open your mouth widely as to expose your uvula.


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