Sunday, March 21, 2010 · 0 comments

Why is it that many people will say: "I am in favor of [the competent] for president, but it seems like he will not win, so I will vote for [the popular] who is more likely to get it, so that my vote won't be wasted"? Crap!!! Is this what the meaning of voting "wisely"?. It's more of fanaticism than intelligence. And worse, believing in popularity surveys having only a thousand respondents, then being generalized as the "voice" of approx 50 million Filipino voters. What a deception. It's not even close to one percent, but we let ourselves being deceived.

We cry for change, but we haven't changed from within. We still are attracted with the bandwagon appeal. Voting wisely is still the mantra here. But it should be done more than just being uttered. Or else, we will still stay the same, not for another six years, but forever. Yes, it is always not late for a change. If we get it wrong for now, then we will still have another chance six years after. But, for every chance that me miss to get right, we are bringing ourselves farther and farther from the glory that we are imagining and the candidates are saying, but in reality, is not happening.

Let's vote wisely, for real. Let's use our brains. Be wise. So that we Filipinos will always be called "pinoys" and "flips" in the positive light.

NVivo and QDA Miner - Qualitative Data Analysis Softwares

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 · 0 comments

Just today I was searching for literature and guides that would help me analyze my thesis, which is a qualitative study. I was so surprised and somehow blessed that I came to notice two softwares specifically designed for qualitative data analysis. I maybe a little late in knowing this, but its just so amazing, knowing that qualitative data analysis is quite rigorous and doesn't have definite format or rules. But anyway, that's what the developers of this two platforms - NVivo and QDA Miner - are saying: they are intended for qualitative data analysis. I have known the existence of some quantitative data analysis softwares for long: AcaStat, SPSS, and other Spreadsheet platforms, but little did I know that these two exist. Anyways, I am still on the process of acquiring and testing NVivo. Hope it really does well. Will post my review sooner.

In text Citation - APA Style

Saturday, February 6, 2010 · 0 comments

This time I will be summarizing some important APA rules in acknowledging sources and authors within the text of the manuscript. Previous entries were dealing with citations in the "References" or "Bibliography" section.

APA format of intext is generally follows an Author-Date format. This style of citation briefly identifies the source for readers and enables them to locate the source of information in the alphabetical reference list at the end of the article. Each reference cited in text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must be cited in text. Make certain that each source referenced appears in both places and that the text citation and reference list entry are identical in spelling of author names and year (American Psychological Association (APA), 2009).

One Work by One Author

Jones (2003) found out that even...
Several methods may help the patient feel better but none of them is generally safe (Jones, 2003)
In 2003, Jones' study on bereavement described that...

If the name of the author is part of the narrative in a paragraph, the year need not appear in subsequent non-parenthetical citations. Although it should always be included in parenthetical citations no matter how many times it does appear (APA, 2009).

Jones (2003) found out that even though patients do not verbally......Jones also stated that it is always....The result also signifies an increase in the readmission rate of schizophrenic patients within this category (Jones, 2003).

One work by multiple author

When a work has two authors, cite both names every time the reference occurs in text. When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent citations, include only the surname of the first author followed by et al. ( with a period after al) and the year if it is the first citation of the reference within a paragraph. Omit year (after et al.) if it will be the subsequent citation within a paragraph (APA, 2009).

First citation: Bali, Luwag, and Postrer (1989) state that...(first citation in text)
Subsequent citations: Bali et al. (1989) state that...(next paragraphs)

When a work has six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al (with a period after al) and the year for the first and subsequent citations (APA, 2009).

Groups as Authors

The names of groups that serve as authors (e.g., corporations, associations, government agencies, and study groups) are usually spelled out each time they appear in a text citation. The names of some group authors are spelled out in the first citation and abbreviated thereafter. In deciding whether to abbreviate the name of a group author, use the general rule that you need to give enough information in the text citation for the reader to locate the entry in the reference list without difficulty. If the name is long and cumbersome and if the abbreviation is familiar or readily understandable, you may abbreviate the name in the second and subsequent citations. If the name is short or if the abbreviation would not be readily understandable, write out the name each time it occurs (APA, 2009).
Check how I cited APA in this entry.

May Bukas Pa ends

Friday, February 5, 2010 · 0 comments

"May Bukas Pa" was a phenomenal series. I'm a fan. Its just that the writers had scripted the finale in a way that's too formulaic. It could have been better. Something unique. Something like the series itself - beyond the usual pinoy soap. But its sad that they made the finale the usual way...tsk!!!